May 31

A Day in My Life


I’ve created two frame doodles in the video, pieced together the audio, made the script, created the Pie Chart with a color palette, and created this blog post. I’ve selected “the unseen” as the font of choice, chose copyright-free music in the background from youtube, and used a good handful of images from open verse with credit at the end of the video.

Throughout the entire week, I’ve been 100% focused and even worked at home to ensure that everything was done and had a sprinkle of quality.


Color Palette

Pie Chart


I am Kevin Nguyen, and this is a Day in My Life.

After a great 8 hours of sleep, I wake up. This is 33.33% of the day already. Then later during the day, I take a nap which is an hour, totaling my sleep total to 9 hours, 37.5% of my day. As I get up, I take twenty minutes to get ready for work. This is production time. I brush my teeth, wash my face, get dressed in my work uniform, and take 10 minutes to eat breakfast. For the other ten minutes, I either shower in the morning or at night, but for this day, I showered at night to get rid of any butter and food grease that got onto me. Then for the other six and a half hours of production, I am working at Wetzels Pretzels, at the Capital Mall. Also during those six and a half hours, I take twenty minutes total for transportation myself between home and work. This whole productivity cycle takes a total of 7 hours, which totals 33.33% of my day. During lunch break, I take 30 minutes to eat and after work, I eat dinner for 20 minutes. Totaling my three meals, it takes 4.2% of my day, an hour total to eat. After work, I take three hours to myself for entertainment, this includes playing video games, watching tv, taking a walk, practicing digital artwork, etc. This takes 12.5% of my day. Then the rest of my 3 hours goes to spending time with my family, and this includes helping my siblings with their homework, playing outside with my siblings, having a conversation with my parents, and watching films with my family. This is the final 12.5% that completes my day before I head to sleep. From this study, I’ve come to see that with a good amount of sleep and production time, I’m able to stay happy and have enough free time for myself and my family. I’m surprised to see how much free time I have to myself from this schedule of work and home time, so my mental health can be healthy while spending some of my days making money, self-care, and driving. 

Audio Editing


Video Editing

The Vodcast / Podcast

Google Drive Link

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I’ve learned how to use Audacity and create a Pie Chart in Adobe Illustrator. I’ve solved small problems such as correcting the font, fixing generating charts, and audio placement.

I solved the font problem by asking a peer for some assistance, and I basically had to search for the font I needed in the search feature when selecting the font for the Pie Chart.

As for audio placement, I’ve messed around with the edit settings and dragged the three audio files in the correct order, and made them into one big audio file.

When making the charts, there were multiple circles that pops up when I entered my values. I had to switch my values around and labeled the correct values and created my current pie chart.

Posted May 31, 2023 by kchunkitowen in category Uncategorized

About the Author

Celebrate like it's your last day, I'll be celebrating by consuming all the rice stored within the lairs of my house.

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